Programming Tools for Beginners

The first time I tried explaining how to get started with programming, I found that I spent an awful lot of time explaining how to get the right tools installed and configured just to be able to get to the point where the first line of code could be written. Since then, I’ve figured out which tools are better (or, at least, simpler) than others for people who are just getting started. But, just the other day, I stumbled across something that seems like it could be a terrific starting point for someone who just wants to get their feet wet without having to deal with the hassle of getting their computer set up for programming.

The Simpler the Better

It’s a program called Thonny. It is free and comes with everything you need to get started with programming in a single tidy little package. All you have to do is download it from, install it onto your computer, and start it up. Then, there within that little window is everything you need to actually write your own programs.

Keep in mind, this is designed for total beginners. If you are already familiar with programming and file structures and things like that, this might be a little too “basic” for you, but it is actually still kind of fun if you want to check it out.

I think tomorrow (or some time very soon) I’ll do a quick-and-dirty “how to” with Thonny. Let’s have some fun!